Ottawa had the distinct honour of being the hottest city in Canada last weekend. It was WAY too hot for comfort. It was 42 Celcius with the humidex . Last week was fleecy weather..this week it's the dead of summer!
I love this show. My friend Chandler Swain is one of the organisers and they do an amazing job of producing this high end art and craft show. Check out Chandler's wonderful work on her website....

This was my booth...I sat across the pathway in the heavenly shade of the trees bordering the park. My booth was an oven and I even considered baking some bread, but gave it up in the lassitude that heat can create.
Wool is definitely not a favourite in hot humid weather...I had planned on working on a dragon I was in the middle of...but I just couldn't imagine touching, let alone working with wool fibre. I just did my Sudoku....when I wasn't drinking water and dowsing my head.

Just a few of my animal trophies...this is Jeffrey
I've been playing with threadwork on my felting...I love the texture it creates...

And directly across from me in that blissful shade were John and Molly Sorensen of
Balleycanoe & Co. They create wonderful whimsical artscapes and figures in what they call
ArchifolkArt. Check them out at:

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